
Diane loves books. Diane loves learning. Diane also likes to travel. To see places she learns about in her books. To experience life and meet new friends who also share her joy of living and learning.

When Diane was 13, she discovered adventure and magic in her brother’s D&D books. They were fun, but Diane thought they lacked emotional depth, and did not connect with places very well.

When she was 17, Diane read her father’s copy of The Da Vinci Code and found a new thrill. The adventure was set in the real world. Her world! She wanted to travel and see the places from the book.

Diane started researching the locations and history surrounding those fictional events. In college, she studied art history and communication. She enjoyed writing, but more than that, she enjoyed reading. It expanded her mind and made her long for adventure.

After college, she had a great opportunity to do some work as a research assistant in Europe. She travelled widely during that time, finding and reading old books at their source.

The smells in these places, the feeling of the pages, everything about the experience was extraordinary.

Diane returned to the States. She has an ordinary job now. But at her job, tucked away in her bag, she keeps a journal and a book. Sometimes historical fiction. Sometimes science fiction. Occasionally a self-help or productivity book.

Diane loves to read, to dream about traveling again, and to capture what she learns and dreams in her journal.

Now she wants to share her joys of life, learning, and books with you.

At DianeRoseBooks.com, you can join in the reading adventure. Diane summarizes the big ideas, pulling out things from books that she loves. And things she does not like. These are the ideas and notes she keeps in her journal, now online for everyone. Diane hopes it helps others discover the richness of life she found.

Over the last few years, Diane has been enjoying online courses as another avenue for learning. She discusses those on the site as well.

Learn and grow together! Who knows, maybe one day you will bump into Diane near a stained glass window in a cathedral, or pulling a rare Christine de Pizan book from the stacks at university.

Happy reading!